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LIVE MUSIC at AZTEC - Here’s What’s Next:
Be sure to check for updated events.



MARCH 2025:

Keep checking back for information on upcoming shows, Jams and the Best Open Mic in North County.

*OPEN MIC SIGN UP INFORMATION: Doors open at 3 on Thursdays. The Official Open Mic Sign-up sheet goes out at 5:30. Music starts at 5:50 if there is a Featured Artist or 6pm if there is no featured artist and goes until til closing. Priority is given to performers who come early to reserve a spot in line for the sign-ups (Pre-List). You must be on site at 5:30 to secure your spot. No multiple sign-ups. No phone sign-ups. One 15 min spot (or 3 songs whichever is shorter) per performance. The 15 minute time includes set-up, so be in tune and ready to rock.

**All proceeds from ticketed event sales go to the performers.